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All Partners participate in various dissemination activities and ensure that target groups take active roles in these activities. A selection of the dissemination activities from the first year of project are:

  • C4FF- Dissemination at MariFuture.org Platform- 01-11-2014 and onwards
  • UoR- Email informing about project aims and objective and introducing the questionnaire- 01-11-2013
  • Sea Teach- In-House Briefing 01-11-2013
  • Sea Teach- Informing Local Network- 01-11-2013
  • PRU- Dissemination through the University Twitter Account ( 1st ACTs Partner Meeting)- 21.-22.-11.2013
  • UoR -Article on the Faculty of Maritime studies web page about First partner meeting - 28-11-2013
  • UoR- Radio interview –Radio Rijeka- 06-12-2013
  • UoR -Radio interview – Radio Rijeka- 11-12-2013
  • C4FF -Publishing an Article in Nautilus Telegraph - 01-02-2014
  • SPIN -Project listing at company’s website -01-02-2014
  • Sea Teach- Sea Teach Website- 01-02-2014
  • SPIN- Newsletter to 42000 egmdss.com registered users and 7000 spinaker.si newsletter subscribers with an invitation to fill out the questionnaires-03-02-2014
  • SPIN -Workshop - 10-02-2014
  • NVNA - Dissemination of questionnaire on COLREG – 10.02.2014
  • C4FF -Dissemination in Genoa, Italy -10-02-2014 - 11-02-2014
  • Sea Teach- Email informing about project aims and objective and introducing the questionnaire -24-02-2014
  • Sea Teach- Publishing Project and questionnaire in Spanish Maritime Forums- 25-02-2014
  • C4FF- Dissemination at ACI conference- 26-03-2014 - 27-03-2014
  • SPIN- Using questionnaire as a knowledge assessment activity at University of Ljubljana -27-03-2014
  • UoR -Project presentation on the meeting in Croatian Academy of sciences and arts (HAZU)- 28-03-2014
  • UoR -Web article about ACTs Questionnaire Validation Workshop on the Faculty of Maritime studies web site- 09-04-2014
  • UoR- Radio interview - 11-04-2014
  • PRU- Article in Turkish Shipping World Magazine - April 2014
  • UoR -Article in CMA Ships News report- 15-05-2014

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Advanced COLREGs Course - Visit our advanced course for complex multi-rule and multi-ship scenarios!

Try our new DESSEV web and Google Play app which is able to predict possible diseases(s) a patient on board a ship may have based on given symptoms. The app helps maritime management personnel in the case of epidemic outbreak.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.